
Leading with Intention and Gratitude

by Rev. Christie Hardwick
“To be in joy is evidence of your gratitude. Show off how you are thankful. Go ahead. Applaud the universe. Thank the Creator, life is good”. From the ABC’s of an Extraordinary Life.

— Rev. Christie Hardwick

Coaches Corner for Soulcall Ministries

Sometimes we have a tendency to segregate our so called “spiritual” practices from our management and leadership practices. I would suggest that any spiritual practice you have can serve you in building, integrating and growing a team.

At meetings whether virtual or in person, we know the importance of setting an agenda. We will have our bullet points and our desired outcomes. What about setting an intention for the meeting? What feeling or sense do we want to leave the participants with?

Even when we don’t set a specific intention we are broadcasting our mental state by how we communicate and how we show up for people. If we didn’t take a moment to ground ourselves before a meeting, we may find that getting focused takes more time for everyone. The leader sets the tone or vibration for the meeting.

For example instead of thinking that a meeting will accomplish getting everyone on the same page with a plan or set of directions, we can raise the level of accomplishment by intending that people leave the meeting feeling more connected to the purpose and each other. One is mental and the other involves the emotional. We want to appeal to minds and hearts whenever we can.

New Practices to Explore 

You can set intention by preparing yourself with a brief meditation, having a mantra that centers you or even speaking your intention out to the participants depending on your style. It is now more common to have a centering moment before meetings in all settings. Try this out and see what results.

The other practice that we sometimes keep for journaling or close friends is to express and focus on gratitude. Starting a meeting with what you are grateful for sets a tone and a raised vibration that can carry throughout the meeting — even when the subject is challenging. I also suggest closing with gratitude.

We can never say thank you enough to those who play/participate/work with us. We all appreciate being appreciated. Working with others in a state of intention and gratitude can be wonderful.

I’m excited to hear how your new practices impact your leadership. Reach out to us and tell us your experiences. 

Ready for More Abundance?

Rev. Christie offers a free course 40 Day Abundance Practice — it’s the perfect  place to dive into the wonderful world of learning to trust in the limitless flow of abundance that is you. This course focuses on practical processes for Difference Makers looking to reconnect to the highest source of consciousness, reenergize their vibrations, and affirm oneness.

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Rev. Christie is an ordained Religious Science Minister, a leadership development expert and master facilitator. She spent 30 years in High Tech ending as an executive and has had her own executive coaching practice for over 15 years. She received her Masters Degree in Human Resources and Organization Development from University of San Francisco and was a member of the executive committee of the Women’s Leadership Board for the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Founder of Inspiration Gatherings, Christie creates music and spoken word events to invite us to walk our path with a more open heart. She lives between St. Petersburg, Florida and Umbertide, Italy. She and her wife Jane have four children and five grandchildren between them. They travel extensively and love their life of adventure.


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