The Institute for Leadership and Lifelong Learning offers practical and powerful online courses for individuals focused on growth and change.
When Did you Die?
Practical lessons to help you stay fully alive, with Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes. Learn how to love yourself, get over your limiting beliefs, and wake-up and reconnect the parts of yourself that are slowly dying every day.
Meditation for the Modern World
As a former Tibetan monk who now lives in the real world, Michel Pascal brings ancient teachings from the Tibetan Nyingma tradition to the modern world to share simple practices to quiet and calm the mind.
20/20 Clarity
Dr. Dravon James shares her personal empowering visioning process, and how it has positively impacted her life in this inspirational course.
Stop Stopping Yourself
This course with psychotherapist and spiritual teacher Vincent Genna will help you to release, cancel, and transform all the resistances, illusions, blockages and sabotages that prevent you from creating the wonderful life you want and deserve.
Overview of Holistic Chinese Medicine
Empower yourself to become the best advocate for your own health and wellness in this course with Dr. Brian Caswell Acupuncture Physician and Diplomate of Oriental Medicine.
Erase Karma Quickly
Learn how you both consciously and unconsciously create and repeat your own karma, as well as how you can release karmic patterns to free yourself.
Reawakening your Inner Metaphysician
In this course with Dr. Aileen Curtin you will learn to awaken and grow your spiritual awareness and consciousness by integrating your head, heart, intellect and compassion as a Metaphysician.
The Art of Speaking
Learn the skill and art of speaking directly to and engaging with your audience. This course is packed with practical tips and knowledge from a true expert in delivering memorable and heartfelt speeches, Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes.
Foundations of Mental Health
Why is there still a stigma when discussing Mental Health? With courage and hope Instructor Natasha Pierre shows in this course how to live a fulfilling life and learn how to make healthful choices that support positive mental health.
The Importance of Interfaith
As spiritual leaders we must be open and willing to always grow in our understanding of other faiths. This introductory course begins an interfaith dialogue for you to learn how to release conditioned beliefs about other religions and other faiths.
Lifelong Wellness
Barbara Bertucci, wellness advocate, presents this course to help you take charge of your health with practical tips and techniques designed to break the sugar habit, detox, and more!
Prayer: Evolving Your Skill and Consciousness
In this course with Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes, you will learn to pray from your Divinity and raise your consciousness, learn to release the need to plead or bargain to an outside power, and learn how to invoke with confidence from a practical process of PRAYER.
Ministerial Ceremonies
Examine your desire and motivation to be an ordained Spiritual Leader, while integrating the wisdom and tips of Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes. You’ll learn to perform ceremonies like christenings, weddings, and memorials using your own creativity.
The Chakra System
Learn the role and function of (physical and emotional symptoms) of each chakra, while gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to unblock yourself energetically and release negative energy.
Imaginez une vie épanouie, une vie dans laquelle vous vous réveillez le matin heureux et excité de commencer votre journée et une vie ou vous vous couchez le soir en ressentant le bien-être et la gratitude d’être vous !